
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Poetic Justice

Over the last few weeks Room 6 has been working to 'take out' our learning goal 2, which involves writing and performing an empathetic poem in front of our class audience at our poetry jam. It was held at the library where it was silent and peaceful. Everybody had a chance to show their oral language skills while Mr Daldy evaluated our poems. The poems were about our cycle 2 topic focus which was racism, crime on hummanity and bullying. Everyone did very well  and they all had recieved great feedback and constructive critcism. Heres a taste of our poetry jam.......
By Leon and Kimberly
The boy yells for help                               
But I ignore it
He cries in pain
But I dismiss it                                      
The bully beats him
He screams in agony
But I pretend, I didn't hear it
I turn away
From the boy in pain
I hear him cry
I hear him sob
But I'm too scared
To try to help
Because I'm a coward
And won't make it stop
Now its my turn
To cry for help
The boy turns away
With a look of dismay
I feel his pain
From so long ago
I now feel the desperation
When he ignored me, and walked away
Poem by Sandy Lam

Friday, August 15, 2014

Arts Extravaganza FlAsH MoB!

Throughout this term, Cooper students have had the chance to participate  in our arts night extravaganza. This year we are doing a flash mob to the famous song 'Beat it' by Micheal Jackson. The student have been practising every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for the last month or so. So far they're doing very well and the rest of Cooper got to watch the action take place, although their product is not yet complete it is still looking great. The dance incorporates some of the famous Micheal Jackson moves from the song Beat It. If you would like to come and support our Cooper team come and watch the show on the 24th of September 2014!

By Leon and Kimberly

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Maggi Kitchen Showdown Article

This year Howick Intermediates cooking extension group have signed up to compete in the Maggi Kitchen Showdown. The competition is about students from different schools around New Zealand competing in a cook off using recipes that include Maggi products. The representatives from our school are- Izzy (the team captain), Jimmy, Neil and Jasmine. The team is called the 'Spicerinos' and are currently in the semi-finals, which is on September 3rd in the city and WE ARE WISHING THEM LUCK AND GREAT SKILL TO make their way to the FINALS! They are making a Teriyaki sesame chicken stir-fry, and have cooked the dish 5 times and are on their way to perfecting it. The prize for winning is $5,000 dollars for the winning team’s school and they are hoping to win the money to update the kitchen in cooking extension and get more sport gear for our school. They’re really looking forward to competing and the whole school wishes them luck.
by Kimberly, Leon and Izzy

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New class bloggers?

Hi our names are Kimberly and Leon and we are the new class bloggers and we will be blogging for the remainder of the year. We will be blogging about what we are doing in class/school we blog every Tuesday Thursday and soon becoming daily

 My names Kimberly and some of my favorite things to do are going shopping with my friends and writing stories. I really look forward to writing more posts on our blog :)

   My name is Leon and the favorite things I enjoy doing are playing sports and hanging out with friends.


A taste of the real world...

These past few weeks room 6 has been working diligently to achieve their individual group social actions.
Lately we've been working on class economy and have all been assigned to jobs. We have a range of jobs to choose from for example bankers, clerks and custodians. For our class economy we have to pay rent for our desks which is at the moment $1000 and if you want to buy your desk the price is set at $10000. These prices will be fluctuating throughout the year due to the change in our economy. We even have to pay for water and electricity bills to get a taste of the real world. We get paid from $500 to $700 and get bonuses and fines from making good/bad decisions. We are really lucky to have this great experience because you could be homeless, middle class or wealthy and it depends on how you spend your money or if you get a lot of bonuses/fines. Room 6 students please comment your jobs!!!

By the new class bloggers, Kimberly and Leon

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Has it REALLY been this long!!!!???

Heya whanau!

I have to say that meeting with you guys all last week was  pretty awesome! Pssssst, You guys have some cool parents! (Don't tell them)

Ok, so back in action and ALL blogging it up!

The 'Sixers' have been working diligently and investigating their primary focus of people who culturally judge others... Why it happens, who does it, what are the repercussions of acting this way?

The Blogging JOB will become available soon and the Sixers should be bringing in their homemade currency for class TOMORROW... The less time they take to do a task, the more their job will earn them, and of course vice-versa...

Tomorrow night is the dance and i can't wait to lay down some tracks that we can all dance to! Also coming up in week 9 (the first week of July) is the POLAR BEAR DARE!!!! Join me in fundraising for our school by sponsoring your awesome Howick student as they JUMP in our pool! (Hot chocolates and warm yummy things, provided for sale after, or free to those who participated).. and yes, I WILL be jumping in!


Also our Arts extravaganza is well on the way to being the biggest event since our Cultural night! Happening in term 3!

As it has been a while, and SO much has gone on, here's some footage from what we've been up to! Ask your Sixer to explain ;)

Otherwise, keep your guys diligent on success, completing tasks they've been assigned and their own invested interest in knowledge!

Halfway through the year? What? Thats coming quick!

Take care my lovely families,

Mr D ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Oh BTW, jobs will soon be like this...

Get ready future!

Sometime in YOUR challenging career environment, you will have to think as creative as this...

Connecting to our world in many different ways and making it inspiring!

here is just one...

Oh, and for those who missed it, Spotty Day (creating awareness of melanoma,'Go-Spotty-Day'/ ) was a fantastic success and a great time for all involved! (side note and learned lesson: Wear your hats and sunscreen, always!!!!)

Take Care ya'll!

Falcor who?

Evening my fellow Sixers and Whanau!

As I'll be away for a week I thought I'd throw some love around about class, life and uh...stuff...

This week Howick Intermediate invited my fiance up for a morning tea to celebrate our upcoming marriage! WOOOOO!

A wonderful and daunting step for me, but ready to take this next step! It was amazing opportunity for the Sixers to meet my lovely Willow and our pup Falcor... who happened to steal the show ;)

 Anyways, here in the land of the Sixers, we aim ultimately to have an AWESOME student led classroom... This will be a perfect test for that! By the end of the year, the transition from me as leader and dictator (kind of ;) of what happens in the classroom will be given to the class itself. Ultimately making decisions together about what is best for each other in the class... Society in action and the breeding of good people I tell ya!

Speaking of which, Denzel, a.k.a Deisel, takes out this weeks Award of Merit for continually contributing in class focused questioning!

As always, train hard my Sixers and be kind. always.

See you soon
Jrue ;)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Scientifically speaking...

Talofa family!

'Science, talkin' bout science, science, for the science fair'... (Ask a sixer ;)

Upcoming on 9th and 10th of  June is the 2014 science roadshow. By now your sixer would have brought back their permission slip for you to sign and they would have earn't their $7 to pay to go to the show.

It really is a fascinating event with SO much to look at and experience, including show's throughout for the students to interact with.

Additionally, this cycle one of our learning goals is to go through the process of creating our own science board!
Izzy and the eggshell experiment!

This may be tricky for some of our guys and often the choosing is the hard part... even though we try and relate it to our inquiry of natural disaster and outdoor survival, if  a sixer has a really good BURNING question, then we'll go with it.

Sam wonders about the eye... is it truly AMAZING?
What's fundamental about the science board is UNDERSTANDING the process! (Secret hint #4232: Shhhhh! The information is in the term diary!)

Alrighty folks, Tofa Soifua!